Tham khảo Sesia_apiformis

  1. Bella, Salvatore. “Bibliographic summary and new records of the Brachodidae and Sesiidae of Sicily, with an updated list and some comments on the distribution of Italian species (Lepidoptera, Cossoidea)”. Spixiana.
  2. Arundell, J.C. “Hornet clearwing moth (Sesia apiformis [Clerck]) and dieback of poplars in eastern England”. Arboricultural Journal.
  3. Newland, D.E. “Eclosion mechanics, mating and ovipositing behaviour of Sesia apiformis (Clerck, 1759)(Lepidoptera: Sesiidae)”. Entomologist's Gazette.
  4. Skinner, Bernard (2009). Colour Identification Guide to Moths of the British Isles: (Macrolepidoptera) (bằng tiếng Anh). Apollo Books. ISBN 9788788757903.
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